


Authorized personnel may view recorded footage of each bus or vehicle to detect damage and quickly determine if the damage was pre-existing, happened while at the depot, or after leaving the depot. The Observit Damage Investigation service gives the High Resolution tools you need to decrease damage claims, and reduce cost. The Observit webplayer are used to view the recorded video.

  • Spot trends for when and where damage is happening to your vehicles
  • Pinpoint where in time and place damage occurred


Authorized personnel may view recorded footage of each bus or vehicle to detect damage and quickly determine if the damage was pre-existing, happened while at the depot, or after leaving the depot. The Observit Damage Investigation service gives the High Resolution tools you need to decrease damage claims, and reduce cost. The Observit webplayer are used to view the recorded video.

  • Spot trends for when and where damage is happening to your vehicles
  • Pinpoint where in time and place damage occurred

In the cloud and always available

Authorized personnel may view recorded footage of each bus or vehicle to detect damage and quickly determine if the damage was pre-existing, happened while at the depot, or after leaving the depot. The Observit Damage Investigation service gives the High Resolution tools you need to decrease damage claims, and reduce cost. The Observit webplayer are used to view the recorded video.

  • Spot trends for when and where damage is happening to your vehicles
  • Pinpoint where in time and place damage occurred